Busy Bees Nursery School recently underwent an OFSTED Inspection and are pleased to announce that we received an overall Early Years Provision of Good , with the following aspects being highlighted within the report:

  •  The management team strives to achieve high-quality care. It supports staff well and ensures they all keep up to date with Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures. The nursery has clearly identified areas for future improvements that will strengthen the outcomes for children further.
  • The nursery successfully promotes a fully inclusive environment that celebrates children and their families. Children learn about the wider community and have many opportunities to learn about different cultures.
  • Parents comment that they feel fully involved in their children’s learning. Staff have daily discussions with parents to share children’s interests and achievements.
  • Children have access to a rich and stimulating environment which includes a farm and a forest school. This helps to promote their knowledge and understanding of the world well. They have many opportunities to extend their physical skills. Staff nurture their physical well-being.
  •  Children are happy and settled. They enjoy exploring the wide range of resources available to them. They have formed friendships with other children and demonstrate that they feel secure.

You can view the full OFSTED Report for Busy Bees Nursery by clicking here or by visiting the OFSTED website by clicking here.