
This is week’s theme has been one of our favourites so far! We have been focusing on our favourite food and have done so many activities based around this. We have been using vegetables to do paint printing, we have brought our favourite foods in for Show and Tell, and some of us were also lucky enough to be able to do some taste testing! It’s been a real treat for everyone. We have been talking to the children about a balanced diet and how we need to eat in moderation, helping them understand the need for a healthy lifestyle. We have been signing songs about food, writing shopping lists and and looking at food prices. There is such a range of lessons that can be learnt from the simple topic of our favourite food.

Next week, the topic is ‘Under the Sea’, and is a particularly fun topic to engage with. It provides a lot of opportunities for learning in all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage, from Expressive Arts and Design to Understanding the World. The children will be learning new songs about the sea and will use pictures of sea creatures to help with their mathematical problem solving. Keep an eye out for the wonderful art work your child will be bringing home…